Glamour Redefined: The Ultimate Guide to Adding Elegant Glam

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Posted on October 04 2023

Are you tired of hearing the term glam? I know, I know it’s been run down to the ground and in many cases, the word glam has always been associated with an over the top Great Gatsby Era look but hear me out, Glam done tastefully has never and will never go out of style. In fact, glam done right, can result in a much more elegant space than many styles that you associate with elegance and below are three ways for you to elegantly glam up your space.

Number #1: Add glam in small doses
Instead of running into glam overload where every single piece in the room is extra sparkly, decide where your glam will be placed. This has to be very strategic because it’s very easy to keep an overload there going once you start, its hard to stop so before you even begin shopping, take a long hard look at your space plan and decide where you want the glam. Will it be a tile feature wall, the floors, the lighting, the fixtures, the hardware or a combination of a few of the aforementioned. Selecting where you see the glam being placed and if you can have a rendering done to see it in real time before making a purchase would be a great help to make a decision.

Number #2: Surround with Neutral elements
Nothing adds elegance to a glam like neutral surrounding elements. It’s a simple yet profound way of giving the even balance to the space that you are looking to achieve. If you decide to go with a glam tile feature wall, then keeping the flooring or shower wall neutral with simple mirrors in a bathroom or minimal pendant lights in a kitchen can go a long, elegant way.

Number #3: Choose wisely
Glam is pushed by so many retailers that sometimes you don’t know what’s truly glam. Take your time and choose wisely when it comes to tile selections, fixtures and finishes, there is a very thin line between true glam and tacky and we are definitely looking to achieve the former. Just because something is gold and sparkly does not mean it will add glamour to a space. Look for quality selections that invoke a true feeling of luxury.

If you are stuck on trying to elegantly add glam to your design project but unsure of how to put all of your ideas together, our design team is on standby to help you get to your design destination. 

Schedule a free design consultation HERE